Our Team
Aneel Chima
Aneel is formally the executive director of the Contemplative Sciences Center at the University of Virginia. Before that he spent twelve years at Stanford University where he was Director of the Division of Health and Human Performance and Founding Director of the Stanford Flourishing Project. He was also Chair of the Board of Trustees at the California Institute of Integral Studies and Chair of the Board of the Veterans, Immigrants, and Refugees Trauma Institute of Sacramento (now the Ulysses Project at the UC Davis School of Medicine). Previously, outside of academia, he was co-founder and managing partner of At The Core, a management consultancy specializing in facilitating transformative change through enhancing the emotional, social, and neurophysiological drivers of team and leadership thriving. He has worked one-on-one with over 350 senior executives and directly with several dozen executive leadership teams. His work has been published in Harvard Business Review, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and other journals. Aneel is a longtime Buddhist practitioner who has a lifetime interest in the world’s contemplative and wisdom traditions.
Joshua Fields
Joshua is an Oxford and Harvard-educated entrepreneur and community builder. His core interests lie at the intersection of wisdom, wellbeing and technology. He is the Founder of Holon, a functional medicine and performance center in the UK, former Executive Director of Consciousness Hacking and co-founder of the Awakened Futures Summit on psychedelics, tech and meditation. He also holds an MA in Philosophy from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and in a past life was an FX analyst at Morgan Stanley.
Mikey Siegel
Mikey Siegel is a robotics engineer turned consciousness hacker. He envisions a present and future where science and technology support psychological, emotional and spiritual flourishing. Where our devices not only connect us to information, but also connect us to ourselves and each other, acting as a catalyst for individual and collective awakening. He is founder of Consciousness Hacking, the Awakened Future Summit, the Transformative Technology Conference, formally a teacher at Stanford University and board member of the California Institute of Integral Studies. He received an MS in robotics from the MIT Media Lab.